About us

What we can do for you

Since 2007 we have been dedicating our efforts to the management of small to midsized real estate portfolios for wealthy private individuals, institutional investors and banks worldwide.

We specialise in the special requirements associated with the management of real estate portfolios focusing on food retailing. Currently we manage 150 properties with more than 450 tenants. The property portfolio we manage includes discount stores, supermarkets, DIY stores, offices and logistics centres.

Our track record is comprehensive. If you are interested in our solutions for your portfolio, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to provide any additional information you require.

Action not words – how we realise your profit targets

Performance and profit are the focus of your investment decisions. We make your goals attainable and decide together with you what needs to be done. We tackle individual challenges of your portfolio proactively. Our many years of extensive experience enable us to cope with possible difficulties and solve them in a sustainable way.

Just get in touch with us!

Property Management

Mit unserem proaktiven Property Management gehen wir auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse...


Asset Management

Unser Asset Management ist eng verzahnt mit unserem Property Management und stellt...


Property Management

Our proactive property management is designed to meet special requirements...


Asset Management

Our asset management is closely linked to our property management to ensure the best possible results...
